Friday, May 30, 2008

Three Rivers Heritage Trail

Before I moved to Pittsburgh, I bought a neat little book called Great Little Walks in the Pittsburgh Area. On Memorial Day, we finally got around to trying one of the walks! We probably timed it just right, as Andy was able to hike half of the 4 mile loop. He made the trip back on Mike's shoulders.


We parked at the Science Center, and walked toward the river to find the trail.

After passing Heinz Field (home of the Steelers), and the Vietnam Veterans memorial, we came to PNC park and this statue of Roberto Clemente. We crossed the river at this bridge.

We passed the city, walked up the wharf and arrived at the tip of the "Golden Triangle". This is Point State Park. Unfortunately, the fountain and park were closed, but the musuem was open. Andy was pooped at this point, and Mike's shoulders took over.

Back by the stadiums, Andy cooled off in the Korean War Memorial pools (OK, he was not really supposed to, but there were lots of other kids and dogs doing the same.) Then our good weather luck ran out, and the skies over Pittsburgh showered us with rain, ending our little adventure.
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Friday, May 23, 2008

Stop it, Stukid!


This picture is several months old; the shaggy mop/bowl cut look is a thing of the past. While I'm sad to see it go, we do have a wedding to prepare for! Andy is looking more like a proper ring bearer with his $11 Supercuts 'do.

In further developments, he is learning to get away with name calling by changing the middle or final consonant of a word, in a burst of three and a half year old verbal calisthenics:

"No, Andy, you may not take the chair to reach into the cupboard,"

"Stop it, Stukid! Ha ha ha ha--Stupit!"
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Sunday, May 04, 2008

Trike-a-Thon 2008

Dear Family and Friends,

Thank you for supporting me in my first fund raiser. With my friends from the MOMS Club of Pittsburgh East--and thanks to your generous donations--I raised money for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital!

Along the way, I learned how to ride my tricycle. A few months ago, I couldn't pedal very far without asking my mom or dad to push me. Now I can pedal up hill, and zoom around the track pretty fast.

I know you can't tell from these photos, but at lap 24, I really hit the wall. Luckily, my team mates shoved a juice box in my hand and kept me going.

I couldn't have done it with out you!






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