Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Not Again Anytime Soon

Andy has a new cousin! Cassandra text-messaged me the news early yesterday morning: Hayley Dutton was born on September 26th, at 11:46 pm. 7 pounds, 12 ounces. I read the news alone in my classroom, and choked back tears. Nothing is more exciting than the announcement of a new life.

Although Katrina destroyed homes and lives, our government failed to respond appropriately, soldiers and innocents continue to die in Iraq.... hope exists with each new baby that's born into the world.

Cayenne, Hayley, Andy--we're counting on you to change things.

Ahhh, and the newborn photos of these girls! Their beautiful, plump, just-been-squeezed-through the birth-canal faces. I reminisce about Andy's newborn days.

Maybe we should have another?

Then...memories of sore nipples, marathon nursing sessions, all night crying jags with the vacuum cleaner as a back-drop....

No, not another one, just yet.

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