Nicholas is really sweet with Andy, wanting to push his stroller and play Brio trains with him. In turn, Andy adores Nicholas.
It seems as soon as Andy turned one, he began to develop a will of his own. It's no longer so simple to distract him from things he wants that are dangerous or disgusting (scissors, my hot coffee, the garbage can). He immediately throws himself into a back bend, screaching at the top of his lungs, throwing away the toy or juice that we offer as a consolation prize.
Last week, Andy came into my classroom for a brief visit. He went right for our reward jar full of marbles, so I moved it just out of his reach. He launched right into one of his tantrums. The first graders were wide-eyed in disbelief. How could Mrs. Matessa's child be so naughty? Why didn't she give him a time-out or have him turn his card?
I feel rather helpless in the face of these tantrums. Reading a few books on toddler discipline has given me some strategies. But mostly it reassures me that this is totally normal behavior.
Still, does it have to happen so soon? Where'd my baby go?
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