An eventful second Christmas for Andy! He became reaquainted with his grandparents, great-grandmother, aunts, uncles, two cousins, and four
first cousins once removed. (I had to google for the correct term, but Andy will call them cousins). And how could I forget the furrier members of the family? (Yes, I mean the pets). Andy held his own with a German Shepard three times his size, a chocolate Lab with a lethal tail, and an aged Yorkshire Terrior.

Andy with Sierra

With Grandma and Pap-pap

With Chris and Courtney

Mary and Jim paid a surprise visit from South Carolina.

Nana had to bribe Andy with a cookie.

Playing with Pap-Pap

At the Zoo, in the Manta Ray tunnel with Aunt Michelle
My parents noticed a growth spurt in the course of just a week. Andy learned to say "ho ho ho!" to pictures of Santa. He signs "more" and "hot". He climbs onto and off of couches and beds. He walks at a much faster pace. And, a first sentence:
He commanded his Grandmother:
"Ball, off!" He wanted Gram to take the glass ball ornaments off of a package so that he could play with them.
Today as I put his new (size 24 months!) outfits away, I had to pack up his size 12 month clothing to make room. He has outgrown his soft-soled Robeez shoes, too (sniff, sniff)...
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