Thursday, August 31, 2006

On the Map

This week Andy enjoyed visits to the National Aviary, Zoo and Aquarium.

Do you love the green carpet?

Monday, August 28, 2006

Friday, August 25, 2006


My Dad is up and at 'em...on crutches because he's not allowed to put weight on his left leg for another few weeks. He's not allowed to drive yet, either, although he's talking as though he'll ignore his doctor's orders and go out cruisin'. Why not take advantage of the family chauffeur service a little longer, Dad? I know being driven around by your teenage son in a Geo Metro isn't your idea of a joy ride, but better safe than sorry. And to be safer, ditch the Metro, please!

My Aunt Ann took this picture when she was out visiting last month. She also sent a picture of Dad's post-surgery hip x-ray, but it's pretty gruesome, so I'll save it for Halloween.

Last night Andy spent the night with Grandma and Pap-Pap so that Mike and I could go out for our anniversary. Andy slept in his own bed in their guest room through the night! Woo-hoo! This is in contrast to the last time we went away--exactly one year ago--and my parents were up all night rocking Andy and watching old movies on TNT. I know my mom is thinking she put her hard time in, and we've moved away just when he's getting fun!

Sheryl Crow put on an amazing show last night with John Meyer. Wow, 40 something and still rocking. I don't get to too many concerts, and I'm sure the crowds will always bug me, but when the energy is right...there is nothing like that timeless, happy place that live music can take you.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Little Stinker

These pictures were taken at Mike's parents' 40th anniversary mass and brunch. From the innocent look of the photos, you might not guess that Andy has entered the waters of the "terrible twos." But, we have hit the terribles. With a cannonball dive. I'm on the side of the pool, drenched. Actually, I'm in the pool with him...drowning, trying to keep my head above water. Can you throw me a life-jacket?

We may not be permitted back in the library. Yesterday at toddler storytime he hit three children, for no apparant reason, other than that they were in his way. "NO!" he screamed at a sweet 14 month old girl who dared to toddle near the gigantic activity cube in the center of the library. He guarded his territory, like a dog backed into a corner.

"AN-NY!" he shouted. (In Andy-speak: "That's MINE, so just back away slowly, little drooling thumb-sucker, before someone gets hurt!")

The little girl dared to put her hand out to the toy, and I should have seen it coming, but I didn't, and he hit her. I pulled him away, grabbed his hands, and tried to explain that he hurt her, that he couldn't hit. He just laughed, much like the way he laughs after hitting me at nap time. But this was the first time he hit another child. And it happened two more times that day. Urgh.

So, we're not going back to story time for quite a while. It was too crowded and difficult for me to keep a close eye on him. I think he did feel threatened in his own toddler way.

Any ideas on what to do?

Pictured: cousin Courtney, great grandmother Agnes "Nana", and great aunt Ann.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Put Me in the Zoo

Look! This is new.
Blue, orange, green,
and violet, too.

Oh! They would put me
in the zoo,
if they could see
what I can do.

Put Me in the Zoo
by Robert Lopshire

Friday, August 04, 2006

Isn't Andy there?

The title of this post is inspired by my cousin Nicholas, who would call my parents' house for one reason and one reason only. His telephone conversations were a source of great amusement for our family, and would go something like this:
Mom: "Hello?"
Nicholas: "Hi."
Mom: "Oh, hi Nicholas! How are you doing?"
Nicholas: "Isn't Karl there?"

Similarly, my mom's sole aim in visiting this website is to see pictures and read anecdotes of her grandson. ("Isn't Andy there??") Anything less (i.e., having to read about a sandwich) is a great disappointment. So, without further ado, here is the grandson:

These pictures were taken several months ago by our friend Joel.

Some recent character quirks:
The Magician
discovering the laundry shoot is a fun place to make shoes, toys, and books disappear
The Gourmet
adding a sprinkling of goldfish crackers to vanilla yogurt, trying a bite, and exclaiming: "Yuuummmmmmmm!"
The Constant Gardener
deciding there was really too much soil in the planted indoor pot, he generously spreads the dirt around the house for other flowers to grow
The Pharmacist
as mama cleans up after the gardener's mess, the budding pharamcist discovers a stash of medicine bottles and lays them out in an orderly fashion on the bed. Fortunately, only one bottle was opened and a few pills consumed. A frantic phone call to poison control reassures the panicked mother that the pills in question are not considered poisonous, are in fact designed to break up excess mucus in the lungs, which is strange because the boy happens to have a cold...