Mom: "Hello?"
Nicholas: "Hi."
Mom: "Oh, hi Nicholas! How are you doing?"
Nicholas: "Isn't Karl there?"
Similarly, my mom's sole aim in visiting this website is to see pictures and read anecdotes of her grandson. ("Isn't Andy there??") Anything less (i.e., having to read about a sandwich) is a great disappointment. So, without further ado, here is the grandson:

These pictures were taken several months ago by our friend Joel.
Some recent character quirks:
The Magician
discovering the laundry shoot is a fun place to make shoes, toys, and books disappear
The Gourmet
adding a sprinkling of goldfish crackers to vanilla yogurt, trying a bite, and exclaiming: "Yuuummmmmmmm!"
The Constant Gardener
deciding there was really too much soil in the planted indoor pot, he generously spreads the dirt around the house for other flowers to grow
The Pharmacist
as mama cleans up after the gardener's mess, the budding pharamcist discovers a stash of medicine bottles and lays them out in an orderly fashion on the bed. Fortunately, only one bottle was opened and a few pills consumed. A frantic phone call to poison control reassures the panicked mother that the pills in question are not considered poisonous, are in fact designed to break up excess mucus in the lungs, which is strange because the boy happens to have a cold...
Great descriptions of Andy...even if the pharmacist was a little scary....and the pictures were great for the grandparents. Love, Pop
Sorry to write here, but I'm trying to get a hold of Mike
The owner of that site.
CarpD (^_^)
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