I try, but I often lack the timing and cooperation of my model. (How do Dooce and Dutch manage to take such stunning portraits of their toddlers?)
At bathtime last night, Andy was busy building the "Island of Sodor" with bubbles--much too busy to both look at me and smile, let alone keep his eyes open for the camera. I could have hit the delete button, but I wanted to reassure the grandparents that we are making an effort to deliver their digital fix. Just like we are making an effort to raise a happy, healthy, likeable boy.
The boy, however, has his own plans. Today his agenda included eating a small piece of plastic electronic equipment (?), shoving magnetic plastic letters behind the radiator, and tantruming at a nearby elementary school when I tried to post a flyer about my tutoring services (how's that for a first impression?)
I suppose everything will turn out alright in the end. Nothing signals the start of winter like the smell of burning plastic in the radiator, right?
I'm sure I'll think back fondly on these glory days.
the answer in three letters: SLR. We use SLR cameras, which allow us to take hundreds of pictures in a matter of seconds, and then weed out the few good from the many bad. at least I do. I doubt heather takes bad pictures.
I have plently of good pictures of Cayenne. I am camera happy and I do erase the ones I don't like. I do not have witty insightful, inteligent blog entries that tell the story of her life and my thoughts about mothering. I love reading your blog and think that you should write a book on parenting, not for advice for fun and empathy.
Thanks for the tips, Dutch, and the kind words, Sunshine. But I think there's more to the art of photography than taking lots of pictures...
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