The online weather report says overcast, 37 degrees, but it must be colder than that! We have our first flurries of the season! (Do native Pittsburghers get excited about this, or does it take a Californian?) As I'm typing, I'm looking out the window at the thick snowflakes blowing furiously in the wind, beginning to melt on their way down, where the ground is too warm for them to stay.
Well, we have officially run our poor Subaru into the ground with transmission problems. Not sure what car will be next, but I do know this: no manual transmission, and it must have seat warmers and an automatic starter!
In other news, we're learning that Andy's possesive nature is not limited to his toys and things. On Saturday, at a family get together, a visiting 16 month old (distant cousin) toddled over to Mike and put her hand on his knee. Andy was furious: "No!" he yelled, "An-ny daddy!" (Hmmm, we've had the toy sharing conversation many times, but hadn't thought of how he might have to share his Daddy.)
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