Monday, July 21, 2008

Beet Harvest

We harvested our first beets from our tiny urban garden! Andy eagerly plucked them from the earth by their ruby-red stems. Ranging from grape-sized to apple-sized, the harvest seemed plentiful to us, since we'd never had this many beets at one time. What to do with them?! I tried making my first batch of Beet Kvass, which is still fermenting. I wanted to pickle some, but unfortunately I kept them in the oven too long. They came out resembling dried prunes, so I scooped out any flesh that was still pink, and we ate it in a green salad. The beet leaves we sauteed in garlic and olive oil with a sprinkling of balsamic vinegar and dried herbs. They were delightful. Even though he gladly participated in the harvest, Andy would have none of the feast.

When we cook for ourselves at home, Mike and I continue to eat locally. We haven't avoided going out to eat, though. And we've had the occasional lapse into that other food group: Ben and Jerry's. Ice cream and I have a long history together in times of turmoil! New York Super Fudge Chunk was especially needed as I considered quitting a part-time job I took at the library, in favor of a full-time position at a cyber charter school. I decided to take it, which means even more changes for Andy and myself in the year ahead.



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1 comment:

Keidi said...

I'm loving the food thread, keep the inspiration flowing! I didn't even know you could eat beet greens, though I did have a funny feeling since they left them on the beets I bought. Know I know, and how to prepare them. Good work, Barb. And great writing! 8) Keidi