In his brief span of good health, he enjoyed many baby and toddler visits: seeing baby Hayley, hosting baby Cayenne overnight, attending 2 year old Olivia's birthday party, and hanging out with Elijah, Alyssa and Avery. We had plenty of park visits and hosted our first playdate yesterday with the "Boulder Creek Walking Moms".
So, somewhere in this drool covered toy exchange, some kid infected my kid. And then, unknowingly, my kid infected other kids. We'd have to never leave the house again to avoid this cycle. And not leaving the house equals mommy in the loony bin. So, we'll take our chances with the cold and flu season.
On the bright side, Andy is getting better and better at communicating with us. Even though he can't ask us to take his temperature, he has no problem asking for his comfort items: "bi" (binky), "juice", and of course, "Elmo" (which is often the first word on his lips in the morning...)
Some other new words include "stick" (he's really fond of chasing our neighborhood cats with the fallen tree branches), "Cy-cy" (for Lucy the Pug), "Duck" (after a visit to the pond), and "moooon" (after being convinced it was more than a "ball" in the sky).

Andy's signs are more exciting for us than his words, probably because we made a greater effort to teach them: lots of "more", and "hot", and sometimes "cheese" and "hurt".
And I can't fail to mention the car, truck, train and farm animal noises. He's pretty good at them. He can even do an elephant. That's not a talent I can claim. He must have got that from his dad.
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