Anyway, Mike's gone. Andy is asleep (yesss!) So what's a lonely gal to do?
It was a toss-up between watching the first season of The Gillmore Girls on DVD, and catching up on my favorite mommy blogs. I chose the latter, and now have to add my own two cents on the experience of mothering.
Here is the diaper changing trick that has changed our world (please don't call Child Protective Services):

That's right, no more somersaulting toddler catapulting himself from the changing table! He is helplessly pinned beneath the weight of Dad's thigh; it is useless to resist! Useless!
Mike really likes this technique; he thinks it's some sort of ancient Judo hold. I'm happy to have both hands free to do the dirty business. I can't take credit for the maneuver, however. Thanks go to Kristin from the Boulder Creek Walking Moms.
More excitement regarding Andy's language development... A few days ago, when Mike asked Andy if he was ready to turn around after a long walk, the little guy pointed down the road and signed "more". After such a display, what could Mike do but keep plodding along?, after Andy and I played "This little piggy" with his toes, he looked up at me with a grin, signing "more"! We must have played about a dozen times before I passed out.
He's an awfully persuasive little signer.
1 comment:
That hold is brilliant! I must share it with my mommy friends. (I have quite a few and the diaper changing issue has popped up in conversation a few times.) How's your training going?
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