On Gobbler's Knob I see no shadow today.
I predict that early spring is on the way.
Andy and I hadn't heard Punxutawney Phil's prediction when we decided to head out to the Pittsburgh Zoo this morning, but we were right in feeling a celebratory mood. Temperatures hovered just below freezing today. An early spring!?
I suppose Pennsylvania could have treated me much worse in my first winter here, but these past two weeks have been cold enough. Oh, sure, the first few days of snow were enchanting. I was on a Lake Tahoe vacation! I would have been whistling "Walking in a Winter Wonderland", (if I could whistle). As it was, the song danced around my head as I drew Andy repeatedly to the window. "Look, son! Look at all the pretty snow!"
Soon, my mantra became: "Still snowing?"
Or: "The snow... It's still here? Cold, eh."
Then, it started to feel chilly even looking out the window. Our windows are drafty, that's part of the problem, but it actually became painful just to turn my eyes and gaze at the leftover, crusty, sludgy snow-stuff (never mind slipping and sliding and driving in it)... That's when I started missing California.
But, the zoo. Back to the zoo. Andy and I enjoy the zoo most at this time of year. We have it mostly to ourselves, and some of the animals are so active, it seems as though they put on a private show for us. Nothing risque, just a little more frolic and joy in their step. The tiger cubs and polar bears especially thrive in this weather, and seem to like the break from constant surveillance. They can let their fur down.
Still referring to himself in the third person, Andy expressed his desire to have a more hands-on experience with the animals: "Andy hug the Polar Bear. Andy pet the polar bear on the back, gently," To which, I replied: "The polar bears are wild animals, and don't like to be pet or hugged. They have sharp claws. They are in a special cage."
But, my heart did little leaps when Andy, defying all logic, attributed the powers of the gods to me, his mother: "Mommy take the polar bear out of the cage. Mommy take it out. Mommy let Andy hug the bear, gently. No hurt you."
Ahhhh, 'if I could, if I only could... I surely would.'
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