The snow in this picture will most likely be gone by tomorrow, or Thursday. We're thawing here in Pittsburgh. Great chunks of snow and ice fall from the rooftops with a crashing roar; Andy says it sounds like thunder. These rolling bursts of "thunder" kept me awake last night!
Andy enjoys the slushy puddles that flood the street. The changing season never fails to delight him. Me... not so much. Now that we're warming up (a high of 50 today), I hope a change in my mood will soon follow!
Here's an update on our morning routine with Andy. In a previous post, I complained about his screams of resistance to leaving the house in the morning. We had a rough patch there for awhile, followed by a short period of playful cooperation. Now he's hit another stage: verbal negotiation power to stall our departure. Instead of physically arching his back, he plays an "artful dodge."
A typical morning:
Me: It's time to get ready for school!
Andy: Just three minutes later.
Me: OK, in three minutes it will be time to get ready for school.
Me, one minute later: Let's take off your pajamas.
Andy: NO! Pajamas cozy.
Me, starting to unzip the PJ's: Ooohh, I see a wet diaper.
Andy: No wet! Just dry!
Me, removing diaper: Yes, a dry diaper will feel so much better.
Andy: I'm running away! (Runs naked in circles)
Me: Don't you want to see your friends today at school? You need to get dressed!
Andy: No friends! Friends scary! Friends naughty!
Me: You like playing with Miles, Emily and James.
Andy: No friends! Friends run away!
Me: What about teacher Leigh?
Andy: School is scary. Just stay at Andy's house.
Needless to say, once we arrive at "school", he runs right to his favorite toys without so much as a backward glance. If he cried or seemed upset at drop off time, I might believe him that school was "scary". Transitions are the challenge.
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