Sunday, December 17, 2006

First Movie

I took Andy to his first movie (Happy Feet) on a Father/Son outing today.

He kept a running commentary:
"Birds flying away" - after Mumble escapes some hungry birds
"Just elephants" - after seeing some initially scary elephant seals
"Silly penguins" - during some penguin antics
(while patting my arm) "Andy's Daddy" - seeing a girl and her father on screen
"Something else!" - during a scary avalanche scene

He was so inspired by the dancing penguins that he danced in the aisle during the credits.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Can't Win

It's past Andy's bedtime. Mike is on bath duty; I'm checking email. I hear squeals of delight coming from the tub. I peek my head in the bathroom.

The laughter ceases. "NO Mama! Just Daddy! Mama run away! Mama run away on the wall! Mama run away on the puter!"

I walk back to said 'puter, dejected.

Then, more cries from the tub:

"Mama! Mama come back!"

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Unhappiest Toddler on the Block

I sent the following email to my "Attachment Parenting Spirited Kids" Yahoo Group. I'm anxiously awaiting some responses!

Hello fellow parents in the trenches,

I need some advice for my spirited guy. Lately, it feels that he takes a contrary position to my every wish. Most tryingly, he opposes my wish to leave the house in the morning. He doesn't want to get dressed, doesn't want to eat, doesn't want to let me comb his hair. And his opposition is far from mild... oh, no... these are daily battles of Herculean proportion: screaming, back bending, tears, snot—-picture Cerberus with rabies.

Once we manage to arrive at our destination (preschool, a friend's house,) he is content--thrilled, even--to be there. The transition itself is the problem. I'm expecting him to forgo present gratification (warm, cozy jammies) in favor of an abstract event in the future, however desirable it may be (playing with friends). I try to reason with him: "We need to get dressed in order to go out and play", but it doesn't seem to help. I try offering choices of dress "the yellow shirt or the red shirt", but that doesn't help either. Most often, I wrestle the clothes over his writhing body, as he yells in protest. We finally leave the house, late, both in tears.

He is a typical toddler, but with an extremely persistent, intense and emotional personality. My personality isn't the most flexible, either! I have strong emotional reactions of my own.

What helps your spirited toddler get ready in the morning? Any advice is appreciated.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Pajama Party

Decorating Cookies with buddy Liam
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More pics of our first snow, which has melted. We had a warm, 50 degree day today.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Winter Then and Now

Last year Andy enjoyed the snow at Auntie Chell's house. Now he has his own back yard where he can play in the snow.