Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Back when I was a pimply-faced preteen, and much too old to be playing imaginary games, I liked to pretend that I was going to Hawaii. Cassandra liked to pretend this, too, so we invented a game called "Hawaii". The game consisted of us taking turns talking to our "boyfriends" on a disconnected phone about our plans for the trip. After about fifteen minutes, we'd look at each other sheepishly, and end the game. But we'd inevitably play "Hawaii" the next time we got together.

About five years ago, Cassandra traveled to Hawaii for the first time. Now, it's finally my turn to go! Mike, Andy, my parents and I leave Friday for a week on the Big Island. (Will a real life family be more fun than an imaginary boyfriend? Hmmmm...I'll see!)

We'll stay in Kona for five days, right across from Kahalu'u beach. Our guidebook calls this beach a "real gem", and "one of the nicer snorkeling spots on the island". Andy, get your mask and fins on!! Kona, here we come!

After Kona, we'll drive to the other side of the island, and stay near Volcanoes National Park. We're hoping we'll see some lava flows while we're there. The pictures of the glowing lava in the guidebook are spectacular. Andy can't get enough of the photographs, either. My mom was impressed to see him turning the pages of the guidebook, as if he were helping to plan our trip. I'd like to visit this black sand beach, mother .

To survive the five hour plane trip there and back, I've combed the collective wisdom of the Mountain View Las Madres play group. The most helpful advice has been to stock up on Baby Einstein and Elmo DVDs. The only thing I'm left to wonder is, did their babies actually wear earphones? Or did they just turn on the speakers on the laptop, figuring other passengers would rather hear Elmo babble than their baby scream the entire time?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay! Hawaii is so blissful; I didn't realize you hadn't been before...Enjoy! Try not to cry when you have to leave - like I did!