Tuesday, February 27, 2007

New Hip

My Dad came through his hip replacement surgery this morning! I talked with him on the phone, and he was groggy but coherent. I'm sad that he has to experience more pain as the result of July's car accident, but am hopeful that he'll gain more mobility, and less pain eventually. Fortunately, my mom is with him for two weeks. She is staying at a hotel in San Francisco about a mile from the hospital. I wish I could be there, too.

I can't think too much about the teenagers that were driving drunk without a license (or insurance) when they hit my Dad and Jacob. It angers me that there is no justice or compensation. Dad had to hire a lawyer just to retrieve his own insurance money, and the lawyer took a third of it. What an unjust world, but what can we do? We won't be getting rid of cars just yet. I wonder what will happen with transportation and peak oil in my lifetime.

So much is out of my control. I have to focus on the good that came out of this incident. Karl received more help and support from county welfare agencies, which in turn relieved my parents of his full time care. This has been positive for all of them.

It's hard to be so far from home. I miss my family and friends. I miss the sun, the beach, the redwoods. I don't like being so far away.

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