Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Here Comes the Sun

I have fallen in love with my new city again. It was a long and lonely winter, but a week's worth of blue skies and warm sunshine has us back outside, walking our tree lined streets each evening. As soon as Mike walks home from the bus stop, we take a family stroll to one of our favorite destinations: the park, the library, dinner, or to Rita's for their famous Gilati. There is so much to do in this beautiful city, and now that the weather is pleasant, we finally feel like getting out and doing them.

Last weekend we visited Phipps Conservatory for the Chihuly exhibit, where Andy humored us and posed in front of tulips and glass sculptures.

Maybe the sunshine has had a positive affect on Andy's mood also. He and I have had a remarkably smooth and enjoyable few days together. Mike and I have been scratching our heads, trying to figure out just what has changed in our lives to bring about Andy's mellow, cooperative attitude. After several months with no napping, he has taken an afternoon nap almost every day since Friday. His appetite has improved, and he's eating yogurt and waffles again. (Yogurt, naps and waffles: the magic combination?)

A month ago, we decided to stop sending Andy to the preschool program, where he was attending two mornings a week. He was not successful in group situations, having several meltdowns and aggressive episodes each time. We've also been missing our Monday playgroups, opting for one-on-one play dates instead. These changes may have lowered his anxiety. Although he can still react strongly in a one on one play date (he had a tantrum so severe last Friday that he threw up over himself!), most of our outings recently have been drama-free. Thank God.

This new good mood is especially welcomed, as Andy and I are driving to Ann Arbor, Michigan tomorrow, with my friend Tanya and her son William. This will be Andy's first road trip, and his first trip with a little friend. Tanya and I are taking turns watching the boys and attending meetings. We're in Ann Arbor for the Parent Participation Preschool International Conference. Our plans to start a Montessori Cooperative preschool have changed somewhat; we may join forces with a much larger organization. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Eli said...

Great to hear that Andy is having some positive mood trends. It's good when everyone is having fun and enjoying life. And now that the weather is getting better, hopefully there will be more of that!