Friday, October 31, 2008



Happy Halloween, everyone!

This year marked Andy's transition from cutesy-wootsy costume to action-hero adventurer. For the last two Halloweens, he was the cute and cuddly Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. This year--scruffy thrill-seeker Indiana Jones! I no longer have a say in my son's choice of costume. I have Uncle Karl to thank for that, for exposing Andy to a few minutes of the Temple of Doom, much to my horror. Oh, and his daycare played the theme song during large-motor play time. Thanks guys.


It isn't all snow in October...Here Andy and Mike enjoy free Rita's ice in the balmy 60 degree weather.

Cats for Obama! We are all in favor of spreading the wealth around, at least with candy. After gorging on his loot tonight, we've told Andy that the Halloween fairy will come tomorrow and take his candy and share it with other less fortunate girls and boys who didn't get any candy. Let's see if that idea flies tomorrow. Cruel socialist parents.

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