Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Mike and I have agreed on rules for our webpage turf wars. He gets first dibs on pictures he takes, and I post the shots that I take. Today I'm scooping his Halloween pics of Andy, since I have more free time than he does, and I just can't resist sharing them:

Andy seemed to have a good time last night. We trick or treated at a few neighborhood houses, including a stop at cousin Nicholas's. We then walked to downtown Felton, where we met his friend Alyssa. (She stole the show in her kitty costume!) For a small town, there were quite a lot of families and kids about. The merchants were generous, many of them dressed up, and the realtors put together a fun Wizard of Oz haunted house.

Back at home, Andy enjoyed helping Mike answer the door in his naked bum (Andy's naked bum, that is). He has a bad diaper rash, so we're airing him out. We passed out five bags of candy and some bubbles before we turned out the porch lights.

All in all, it was a great 2nd Halloween for Andy, but Mike and I had the most fun. We get to relive our childhoods with him. And eat his candy.

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