Monday, November 07, 2005

Night Out

My cousin Meg threw another big birthday bash, this year with a cowboy theme. Half the fun for us was putting our costumes together. (Thanks Romina for the boots and hat!) Our cap guns were the ultimate accessory, even though they were bright orange--you can't buy a realistic looking toy gun these days, for good reason. Who knew that after a few beers the cousin clique would start brandishing our weapons, shooting round after round toward the ceiling? Dancing and shooting. Totally obnoxious and strangely satisfying. Mike tells me later that he took the first shots (as the only sober one in the group). Jess, Hilary and I couldn't be left out. We started a trend and soon a few other cowboys packing heat drew their cap pistols, too. Yee-haw!

I still don't like the idea of guns, even toy guns. I don't want Andy to have any. Yet I found that after a few drinks, I can be a one of the staunchest supporters of the second ammendment.

Happy 28th birthday, Meg!

Happy first birthday, Ben!

Blogger was busy, so some pics are on Flickr.

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