Sunday, November 13, 2005

Major News Flash

In the beginning, there was the word. And the word was ball.

And then the word became........shoe!

Mike and Karl reported that Andy said this new word, shoe, yesterday. I was doubtful since I didn't hear it directly from the mouth of the babe.

But tonight, he said it again, twice, while taking off his blue Monkey Robeez. He said "Shoooo"! so softly, so sweetly, that I forgave him for squirming and kicking on the diaper changing table, for throwing his toy into the poopy diaper pail, for always preferring uncle Karl to me or anyone else...for doing the countless tiring things that are the work of a 13 month old.

Mike and I basked in the shoe afterglow. Wasn't our son a sweet angel, an articulate genius?

And we wondered, why, out of all the words he could possibly choose from...why shoe?

What will be next?

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